function run { [CmdletBinding()] param ( [Alias('theme')] [string]$oh_theme = 'night-owl', [switch]$AIO, [switch]$ohmp, [switch]$cmd, [switch]$ps7, [Alias('term')] [switch]$terminal, [Alias('prof')] [switch]$ps_profile, [switch]$nano, [Alias('icon')] [switch]$icons, [string]$log ) [Net.ServicePointManager]::SecurityProtocol = [Net.SecurityProtocolType]::Tls12 $progressPreference = 'SilentlyContinue' ######### Helpers function Shout { param( [parameter(Mandatory = $true)] [string]$text, [string]$color, [switch]$new, [switch]$after, [switch]$date ) if (($date) -or ($log)){ $_date = (Get-Date -Format "MM/dd/yy HH:mm:ss").ToString() $finaltext = "{0} {1}" -f $_date, $text } else { $finaltext = $text } if ($new){ $finaltext = "`n" + $finaltext } if ($after){ $finaltext = $finaltext + "`n" } if ($log) { $finaltext | Out-File -FilePath $log -Append -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue } if ($color){ if (-not ([Enum]::IsDefined([System.ConsoleColor], $color))) { Write-Host "$color doesn't exists in System.ConsoleColor" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host $finaltext } else { Write-Host $finaltext -ForegroundColor $color } } else { Write-Host $finaltext } } function Test-Inet { param( [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $ip ) $response = Test-Connection -ComputerName "$ip" -Count 1 -Quiet if ($response) { Write-Host "Internet detected. Continue..." -ForegroundColor Green } else { Write-Host "No internet connection detected! Please restart the script once the internet becomes available." -ForegroundColor Red Read-Host -Prompt "Press Enter to exit" throw "No internet connection detected! Please restart the script once the internet becomes available." } } function Extract-Zip { param ( [string]$archivePath, [string]$destinationPath ) if (-not (Test-Path $destinationPath)) { New-Item -Path $destinationPath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } $shellApp = New-Object -ComObject Shell.Application $zipFile = $shellApp.NameSpace($archivePath) $destinationFolder = $shellApp.NameSpace($destinationPath) foreach ($item in $zipFile.Items()) { $destinationFolder.CopyHere($item, 0x0004 + 0x0010 + 0x0400) } } function Download { param ( [string]$releaseZipUrl, [string]$savePath, [string]$fileName ) if (-not (Test-Path $savePath)) { New-Item -ItemType Directory -Path $savePath -Force } try { (New-Object Net.WebClient).DownloadFile("$releaseZipUrl", "$savePath\$fileName") } catch { Shout "$fileName is not downloaded. Skipping..." } } function GitHubParce { param( [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $username, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $repo, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $zip_name ) $latestReleaseUrl = "$username/$repo/releases/latest" try { $latestRelease = Invoke-WebRequest -Uri $latestReleaseUrl | ConvertFrom-Json $link = $latestRelease.assets.browser_download_url | Select-String -Pattern "$zip_name" | select-object -First 1 $link = $link.ToString().Trim() return $link } catch { Shout "Error fetching release information. Check your network connection or repository." -color 'Red' return } } ######### function MainRun { param ( [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $oh_theme = 'night-owl', [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$nano, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$cmd, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$ps7, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$ps_profile, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$terminal, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $false)] [switch]$icons ) $mydocuments = [environment]::getfolderpath("mydocuments") $savePath = "$env:TEMP\oh-my-posh-OneClick" if (-not (Test-Path $savePath)) { New-Item -Path $savePath -ItemType Directory -Force | Out-Null } function Install-oh { $releaseZipUrl = GitHubParce -username "JanDeDobbeleer" -repo "oh-my-posh" -zip_name "install-x64.msi" $fileName = $releaseZipUrl.Split('/')[-1] Download -releaseZipUrl $releaseZipUrl -savePath $savePath -fileName $fileName Start-Process "$savePath\$fileName" -ArgumentList "/quiet" -Wait | out-null $machinePath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::Machine) $userPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("PATH", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) $env:Path = $machinePath + ";" + $userPath if (!(Get-Command oh-my-posh -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue)) { Shout "oh-my-posh not installed! Rerun the script!" -color 'Red' pause throw "oh-my-posh not installed! Rerun the script!" } } function Install-Pwsh { $releaseZipUrl = GitHubParce -username "PowerShell" -repo "PowerShell" -zip_name "-win-x64.msi" $fileName = $releaseZipUrl.Split('/')[-1] Download -releaseZipUrl $releaseZipUrl -savePath $savePath -fileName $fileName Start-Process "$savePath\$fileName" -ArgumentList "/quiet /passive ADD_EXPLORER_CONTEXT_MENU_OPENPOWERSHELL=1 ENABLE_PSREMOTING=1 REGISTER_MANIFEST=1 USE_MU=1 ENABLE_MU=1" -Wait $sourcePath = "$mydocuments\WindowsPowerShell\Modules" $destinationPath = "$mydocuments\PowerShell\Modules" Copy-Item -Path "$sourcePath\PSReadLine" -Destination $destinationPath -Recurse -Force Copy-Item -Path "$sourcePath\Terminal-Icons" -Destination $destinationPath -Recurse -Force } function Install-Clink { $releaseZipUrl = GitHubParce -username "chrisant996" -repo "clink" -zip_name "clink.*.zip" $fileName = $releaseZipUrl.Split('/')[-1] Download -releaseZipUrl $releaseZipUrl -savePath $savePath -fileName $fileName $archivePath = "$savePath\$fileName" $destinationPath = "$env:LocalAppData\clink" Extract-Zip -archivePath $archivePath -destinationPath $destinationPath $cfg_path = "$env:LocalAppData/Programs/oh-my-posh/themes".Replace('\', '/') $scriptContent = "load(io.popen('oh-my-posh.exe --config=`"$cfg_path/$oh_theme.omp.json`" --init --shell cmd'):read(`"*a`"))()" $scriptContent | Out-File -FilePath "$destinationPath\oh-my-posh.lua" -Force -Encoding utf8 Invoke-Expression "& '$destinationPath\clink.bat' autorun install" | Out-Null } function Install-Nano { $releaseZipUrl = GitHubParce -username "okibcn" -repo "nano-for-windows" -zip_name "nano-for-windows_win64*" $fileName = $releaseZipUrl.Split('/')[-1] Download -releaseZipUrl $releaseZipUrl -savePath $savePath -fileName $fileName $archivePath = "$savePath\$fileName" $destinationPath = "$env:LocalAppData\Nano" Extract-Zip -archivePath $archivePath -destinationPath $destinationPath $currentPath = [System.Environment]::GetEnvironmentVariable("Path", [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) $newPath = $currentPath + ";$destinationPath" [System.Environment]::SetEnvironmentVariable("Path", $newPath, [System.EnvironmentVariableTarget]::User) } function Install-WindowsTerminal { if (Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.WindowsTerminal) { Shout "Windows Terminal is installed. Skipping..." -color 'Red' } else { $releaseZipUrl = GitHubParce -username "microsoft" -repo "terminal" -zip_name ".msixbundle" $fileName = $releaseZipUrl.Split('/')[-1] Download -releaseZipUrl $releaseZipUrl -savePath $savePath -fileName $fileName try { Add-AppxPackage -Path "$savePath\$fileName" | Out-Null } catch { Shout "$($_.Exception.Message)" -color 'Red' Shout "WindowsTerminal is not installed. Skipping..." -color 'Red' } } } function Configure-WindowsTerminal { $get_wt = Get-AppxPackage -Name Microsoft.WindowsTerminal if ($get_wt){ Shout 'Some preparation for WindowsTerminal' $wtExecutablePath = Join-Path -Path $($get_wt.InstallLocation) -ChildPath "wt.exe" if (Test-Path $wtExecutablePath) { if (Get-Process -Name WindowsTerminal -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue){ Shout 'Windows Terminal is currently running. Reopen it once the script has completed!' -Color 'Red' } else { Start-Process -FilePath $wtExecutablePath -WindowStyle Hidden Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 Get-Process -Name WindowsTerminal | Stop-Process } if (Test-Path -Path "$($get_wt.InstallLocation)"){ $file_path = "$env:localappdata\Packages\$($get_wt.PackageFamilyName)\LocalState\settings.json" $jsonContent = Get-Content $file_path $newContent = $jsonContent -replace '"defaults": \{\},', ` '"defaults": { "font": { "face": "FiraMono Nerd Font" } },' Set-Content $file_path $newContent } } } else { Shout "WindowsTerminal is not installed. Skipping" -color 'Red' } } function Write-Profile { param( [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] [ValidateSet("5", "7")] $ps_ver, [PARAMETER(Mandatory = $true)] [ValidateNotNullOrEmpty()] $oh_theme ) if ($icons){ $row = 'Import-Module Terminal-Icons' } if ($ps_ver -eq '5'){ $ps_com = 'powershell' $profile_dir = Join-Path -ChildPath 'WindowsPowerShell' -Path $mydocuments $profile_path = "$profile_dir\Microsoft.PowerShell_profile.ps1" } else { $ps_com = 'pwsh' $profile_dir = Join-Path -ChildPath 'PowerShell' -Path $mydocuments $profile_path = "$profile_dir\Profile.ps1" } if (Test-Path $profile_path) { $top_line = '' $profile_content = Get-Content -Path $profile_path -Raw $profile_content = $profile_content -replace '(?m)^oh-my-posh init.*$\r?\n?','' $profile_content = $profile_content -replace '(?m)^\$oh_my_theme.*$\r?\n?','' if ($row){ $profile_content = $profile_content -replace '(?m)^Import-Module Terminal-Icons.*$\r?\n?','' $top_line += $row $top_line += "`n" } $top_line += "`$oh_my_theme=`"$oh_theme`"" $top_line += "`n" $top_line += "oh-my-posh init $ps_com --config `"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes\`$oh_my_theme.omp.json`" | Invoke-Expression" $profile_content = $top_line + $profile_content Set-Content -Path $profile_path -Value $profile_content -Encoding UTF8 -Force } else { $scriptContent = @( "$row" "`$oh_my_theme=`"$oh_theme`"" "oh-my-posh init $ps_com --config `"$env:LOCALAPPDATA\Programs\oh-my-posh\themes\`$oh_my_theme.omp.json`" | Invoke-Expression" '' 'Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key Tab -Function MenuComplete' 'Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key UpArrow -Function HistorySearchBackward' 'Set-PSReadlineKeyHandler -Key DownArrow -Function HistorySearchForward' 'Set-PSReadLineOption -PredictionViewStyle ListView' ) -join "`n" New-Item -Path "$profile_dir" -ItemType Directory -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null $scriptContent | Out-File -FilePath "$profile_path" -Force -Encoding UTF8 } } function NewLinks { $shell = New-Object -ComObject WScript.Shell $userProgramsFolder = "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs" if (((Get-Culture).DisplayName -like "English*") -and ($cmd)) { Remove-Item -Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\System Tools\Command Prompt.lnk" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $cmdShortcutPath = Join-Path -Path "$userProgramsFolder\System Tools" -ChildPath "Command Prompt.lnk" $cmdShortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($cmdShortcutPath) $cmdShortcut.TargetPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\cmd.exe" $cmdShortcut.IconLocation = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\cmd.exe" $cmdShortcut.WorkingDirectory = '%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%' $cmdShortcut.Save() } Remove-Item -Path "$env:APPDATA\Microsoft\Windows\Start Menu\Programs\Windows PowerShell\Windows PowerShell.lnk" -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue $psShortcutPath = Join-Path -Path "$userProgramsFolder\Windows PowerShell" -ChildPath "Windows PowerShell.lnk" $psShortcut = $shell.CreateShortcut($psShortcutPath) $psShortcut.TargetPath = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" $psShortcut.IconLocation = "$env:SystemRoot\System32\WindowsPowerShell\v1.0\powershell.exe" $psShortcut.WorkingDirectory = '%HOMEDRIVE%%HOMEPATH%' $psShortcut.Save() } # ======================= Main Script Body ======================= $timer = [Diagnostics.Stopwatch]::StartNew() Clear-Host Shout "Script is starting" -color 'Green' Shout 'Installing NuGet packageProvider'; $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Install-PackageProvider -Name NuGet -Confirm:$False -Scope CurrentUser -Force | Out-Null }; Wait-Job -Job $job | Out-Null; Remove-Job -Job $job Shout 'Configuring PSGallery repository'; $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Set-PSRepository -Name PSGallery -InstallationPolicy Trusted | Out-Null }; Wait-Job -Job $job | Out-Null; Remove-Job -Job $job Shout 'Installing the latest PSReadline powershell module'; $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Install-Module -Name psreadline -Scope CurrentUser -Force -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null }; Wait-Job -Job $job | Out-Null; Remove-Job -Job $job if ($icons) { Shout 'Installing Terminal-Icons module'; $job = Start-Job -ScriptBlock { Install-Module -Name Terminal-Icons -Confirm:$False -Scope CurrentUser -Repository PSGallery | Out-Null }; Wait-Job -Job $job | Out-Null; Remove-Job -Job $job } Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console" -Name "FaceName" -Value "FiraCode Nerd Font" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_System32_WindowsPowerShell_v1.0_powershell.exe" -Name "FaceName" -Value "FiraCode Nerd Font" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null Set-ItemProperty -Path "HKCU:\Console\%SystemRoot%_system32_cmd.exe" -Name "FaceName" -Value "FiraCode Nerd Font" -ErrorAction SilentlyContinue | Out-Null if ($ps7) { Shout 'Installing the latest powershell 7'; Install-Pwsh } Shout 'Installing oh-my-posh'; Install-oh if ($nano) { Shout 'Installing nano for console'; Install-Nano } if ($cmd) { Shout 'Installing clink for cmd (oh-my-cmd)'; Install-Clink } if ($ps_profile) { Shout "Creating profiles for PS5/7"; Write-Profile -ps_ver '7' -oh_theme $oh_theme; Write-Profile -ps_ver '5' -oh_theme $oh_theme} Shout 'Installing oh-my-posh fonts'; oh-my-posh font install FiraCode | out-null; oh-my-posh font install FiraMono | out-null if ($terminal) { Shout 'Installing WindowsTerminal'; Install-WindowsTerminal } Shout 'Configuring WindowsTerminal'; Configure-WindowsTerminal Shout 'Recreating console links for a new font (only for English lang)'; NewLinks $timer.Stop() $timeRound = [Math]::Round(($timer.Elapsed.TotalSeconds), 1) $timer.Reset() Shout '------------------------------------' -color 'Cyan' Shout " The script completed in $timeRound seconds! Enjoy! " -color 'Blue' Shout '------------------------------------' -color 'Cyan' pause return } ############################################################ Test-Inet -ip '' if ($AIO -or $ohmp -or $cmd -or $ps7 -or $terminal -or $ps_profile -or $nano -or $icons) { if ($AIO){ MainRun -oh_theme $oh_theme -cmd -ps7 -terminal -ps_profile -nano -icons } elseif ($ohmp){ MainRun -oh_theme $oh_theme } else { MainRun -oh_theme $oh_theme -cmd:$cmd -ps7:$ps7 -terminal:$terminal -ps_profile:$ps_profile -nano:$nano -icons:$icons } } # Initial features $features = @{ ps7 = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Install the latest powershell 7 (admin rights)'; argument = '-ps7' } cmd = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Install Clink for cmd (oh-my-cmd)'; argument = '-cmd' } terminal = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Install WindowsTerminal'; argument = '-terminal' } nano = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Install Nano editor for console'; argument = '-nano' } icons = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Install Terminal-Icons module'; argument = '-icons' } ps_profile = [PSCustomObject]@{ status = '++'; description = 'Create powershell profiles (or do it manually later)'; argument = '-ps_profile' } } $orderedFeatures = @( 'ps7', 'cmd', 'terminal', 'nano', 'icons', 'ps_profile' ) # Colorized function Write-StatusLine { param ( [string]$status, [string]$lineText ) $textColor = if ($status -eq '++') { 'Green' } else { 'Red' } Write-Host $lineText -ForegroundColor $textColor } function ParametersPreparing { $cmd = $features.cmd.status -eq '++' $ps7 = $features.ps7.status -eq '++' $terminal = $features.terminal.status -eq '++' $ps_profile = $features.ps_profile.status -eq '++' $nano = $features.nano.status -eq '++' $icons = $features.icons.status -eq '++' MainRun -oh_theme $oh_theme -cmd:$cmd -ps7:$ps7 -terminal:$terminal -ps_profile:$ps_profile -nano:$nano -icons:$icons } # Main menu loop do { Clear-Host Write-Host '---------------------------------------' Write-Host ' Oh-my-posh OneClick installer' -ForegroundColor Yellow Write-Host '---------------------------------------' Write-Host ' T or 0 - Set Oh-my-posh theme (current: ' -NoNewline Write-Host "$oh_theme" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline Write-Host ")`n" $count = 1 foreach ($featureKey in $orderedFeatures) { $feature = $features[$featureKey] Write-StatusLine -status $feature.status -lineText " $count. $($feature.status) $($feature.description)" $count++ } Write-Host "`n--------------------------------------" Write-Host " R. Run installation Script" -ForegroundColor Blue Write-Host " Q. Do nothing and exit" -ForegroundColor Red Write-Host "--------------------------------------" Write-Host ' Notes:' Write-Host ' By default, all functions are enabled unless manually disabled' Write-Host " Choose option with numbers plus Enter to disable/enable function `n" $option = Read-Host " Enter your choice" switch ($option) { {($_ -eq 'T') -or ($_ -eq 0)} { Clear-Host Write-Host '---------------' Write-Host " Set Oh-my-posh theme (current: " -NoNewline Write-Host "$oh_theme" -ForegroundColor Cyan -NoNewline Write-Host ")" Write-Host "---------------" $themes = @() $response = Invoke-RestMethod -Uri "" if ($response) { foreach ($item in $response) { if ($item.type -eq "file") { $themes += $($'.omp.json', '') } } } else { Write-Host "No files found or request failed." -ForegroundColor Red } $columnCount = 3 $itemsPerColumn = [math]::Ceiling($themes.Count / $columnCount) for ($row = 0; $row -lt $itemsPerColumn; $row++) { $line = "" for ($col = 0; $col -lt $columnCount; $col++) { $index = $row + $col * $itemsPerColumn if ($index -lt $themes.Count) { $line += "{0,-4} {1,-30}" -f ($index + 1), $themes[$index] } } Write-Host $line } Write-Host "`n`n------------" Write-Host " B. Go back and set theme to $oh_theme" -ForegroundColor Green Write-Host "------------`n`n" $choice = Read-Host " Select theme by number" if ($choice -eq 'B' -or $choice -eq 'b') { continue } if ($themes[$choice - 1] -and ($choice -gt 0)) { $oh_theme = $themes[$choice - 1] } else { Write-Host " Invalid selection. Try again." -ForegroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } } { $_ -in (1..6) } { $featureKey = $orderedFeatures[$option - 1] if ($features[$featureKey].status -eq '++') { $features[$featureKey].status = '--' } else { $features[$featureKey].status = '++' } } 'R' { ParametersPreparing return } 'Q' { return } default { Write-Host " Invalid option. Please try again." -ForegroundColor Red Start-Sleep -Seconds 2 } } } while ($true) }